HOFOR provides 300,000 people living in Copenhagen with town gas. We supply town gas to Copenhagen and the nearby towns of Tårnby, Hvidovre, Rødovre and Frederiksberg.

In 2007, we changed the town gas to the more environmentally friendly type, Bygas2, and in 2013, we began to mix the gas with approximately 30% biogas from BIOFOS, the greater Copenhagen wastewater company partially owned by HOFOR.
BIOFOS produces biogas from organic matter in the wastewater at the treatment plants, and HOFOR upgrades the biogas for the town gas network in Copenhagen and Frederiksberg.
HOFOR aims for the town gas to be 100% carbon-neutral. We also provide biogas for industrial purposes such as restaurants and laundry services, and supply gas to large business customers such as Novozymes, Carlsberg and Lundbeck.