Executive Management Team - HOFOR A/S
Brian Hansen
Chief Operating Officer, Water and Wastewater
Water Supply & Sewage are responsible for the delivery of clear and healthy drinking water, the disposal of rainwater and sewage, and the task of adapting the city for the consequences of climate change and cloudburst damage.
Contact: direktionssekretariatet@hofor.dk
Gorm Elikofer
Chief Operating Officer, Energy
The Energy section covers district heating, city gas, remote cooling, the production at heat and power stations, and the purchase of fuel. Furthermore, the section is responsible for planning and selected customer and market functions.
Contact: direktionssekretariatet@hofor.dk
Charlotte Søndergren
Chief Strategy Officer & Chief Operating Officer, Wind Power
Supply Strategy & Wind projects are responsible for the long term planning within areas of water supply, sewage, energy, wind projects, energy trade and urban development.
Contact: direktionssekretariatet@hofor.dk
Søren Birch
Chief Operating Officer, Building and Construction
Construction projects are responsible for the renovation of existing fixed assets and the establishment of new assets planned by the Water Supply & Sewage and Energy sections – e.g. the renovation of supply pipes and projects concerning cloudburst damage.
Contact: direktionssekretariatet@hofor.dk
Mads Grønvall
Chief Financial Officer, Finance and Customer Service Center
Finance and Customer Service Centre manages cross-economic governance, procurement and logistics. Additionally the running of linked subdivisions and accounting with the customers.
Contact: direktionssekretariatet@hofor.dk